text-align-last 属性规定如何对齐最后一行或紧挨着强制换行符之前的行。
text-align-last: auto|left|right|center|justify|start|end|initial|inherit;
值 | 描述 |
auto | 默认值。最后一行被调整,并向左对齐。 |
left | 最后一行向左对齐。 |
right | 最后一行向右对齐。 |
center | 最后一行被调整为两端对齐。 |
justify | 最后一行在行开头对齐(如果 text-direction 是从左到右,则向左对齐;如果 text-direction 是从右到左,则向右对齐)。 |
end | 最后一行在行末尾对齐(如果 text-direction 是从左到右,则向右对齐;如果 text-direction 是从右到左,则向左对齐)。 |
initial | 设置该属性为它的默认值。 |
inherit | 从父元素继承该属性。 |
<div> You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property. You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property. You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property. You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property. </div>
div { text-align: justify; text-align-last: right; -webkit-text-align-last: right; -ms-text-align-last: right; -moz-text-align-last: right; -o-text-align-last: right; }
You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property.
You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property.
You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property.
You can use the text-align-last property to align the last line of a text, if the text has the text-align property set to justify. This text is where you will see the result of the text-align-last property.
注意:只有 Internet Explorer 支持 text-align-last 属性。
注意:Firefox 支持另一个可替代该属性的属性,即 -moz-text-align-last 属性。